
Global Mission Statement

Fifth Global Lifting Awareness Day Centres on Skills and Employment

The fifth Global Lifting Awareness Day — #GLAD2024 — will take place on Thursday 18 July.

Powered by the Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA) and supporting organisations, it is now a widely celebrated day where manufacturers, suppliers, and end users are among those that share material that promotes safe and high quality load lifting. Social media posts, videos, articles, and in-person activity will again be bound together by the hashtag, #GLAD2024.

A new logo replaces the previous version that centred on a hook. It is now a graphic that focuses more on the title of the awareness of the event. The text is built around the gantry element of so many cranes and lifting technologies — instantly recognisable to industry representatives with the means to promote the sector. LEEA has consciously pivoted, putting the main focus on GLAD rather than a particular component or piece of equipment, reiterating that #GLAD2024 is for everyone.

As with previous years, LEEA is encouraging its members, end users, and everyone in between, to contribute by using the graphic and hashtag to celebrate their involvement with the industry and promote it as an interesting place to work, with skills and employment as suggested focal points of outreach efforts.

Ross Moloney, CEO at LEEA, said: “GLAD is now positioned as a globally recognised concept and has achieved a brand-like status, perhaps ahead of schedule, following ongoing efforts from industry stakeholders to raise its profile. We’re looking to use its popularity to raise awareness of what our industry people do and what those outside of the sector need to do to become part of our world. This is why the themes LEEA will focus on this year are skills and employment.”

Celebrate the lifting industry on Thursday 18 July — by including the #GLAD2024 hashtag across social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and TikToK, adding the GLAD2024 logo to email signatures, all the way through to producing unique content and holding events. We invite you to join in by submitting your own plans via the contact form. https://globalliftingawarenessday.com/contact